希望透過資訊的傳遞,和助人經驗的分享 整理紀錄自己的收穫,最重要的是在築夢辛苦的路上 認識、招聚更多志同道合的夥伴 離夢想越近,挑戰也許越來越多 但是讓我們一起勇敢地向前走
勇敢做夢的人們將不再孤單! : )
學歷- 台北市立教育大學 心理與諮商學系畢業
- 美國喬治亞州立大學 音樂治療實習 經歷
- 應屆正式專輔教師
- 教師理想生活教練 - 教師諮詢經驗約3000人次
- 定期舉辦教師甄試備考課程
- Youtube 頻道:Sophia W.悅 - 暢銷書:「口試技巧與心理調適」
- 台北市立教育大學 心理與諮商學系畢業
- 東吳大學心理系臨床心理所畢業 經歷
- 內湖三總精神科 見習臨 床心理師
- 台北榮總精神科 見習/實習臨床心理師
- 亞東紀念醫院精神科 實習臨床心理師
- 童綜合醫院心身科 臨床心理師
臨床心理師證號 心理字第002136號
Hi, I am Sophia!
I am a Taiwanese counseling coach specialised in life coaching.
I believe that we can share meaningful experiences through effective teaching.
My teaching philosophy is based on entire life organisation and recording your own progress.
The most important thing on your journey is to build your dream and work towards it!
Meet and gather more like-minded partners!
The closer to the dream, the more challenges there may be
But let's move forward bravely~
Those who dare to dream will no longer be alone! 😄
I have created many educational materials designed for effective learning at your own pace.
For teachers aspiring to get official certification, I have created The Teacher's Exam Preparation book.
To help you on your way I suggest you to follow:
ღ My free YouTube video material
ღ Useful Instagram Posts
ღ Socialising on my Facebook Page
For all the most effective guidance I suggest you to visit my resources page. Here you can book group lessons, private consulting, video feedback courses, and other teaching material.
For inquiries about public events or conferences, you can use the contact form.